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The habit of eating instant noodles are Unhealthy according to Experts
Jakarta, whatever the brand, whether it's local or samyang instant noodles that are circulating in Indonesia, both claimed not to be equally healthy. But it's not just their products are unhealthy. A number of experts agree how the processing of instant noodles that are unhealthy or inappropriate also worsen health risks that can be caused due to eating instant noodles. What kind of eating habits of instant noodles is not healthy is it? Following his speech he, as summarized, Monday (19/6/2017). Read also: Samyang Pulled from circulation, remind the dangers of instant noodle Consumption Berlebihan1. Cooked half matangAda some people are cooking the noodles in a State of half-cooked to avoid lodoh a melembek mi or so less delicious when eaten. But this custom is no side effects. Yes maybe because she is still undeveloped and hard right. So when entering the belly, he's newly developed and it could be this is what triggers stomach pain on certain people, demolished Prof. Dr. Endang L Achadi, MPH, Dr.PH of the public health Department of Nutrition of the Faculty of University of Indonesia (UI). Added Dr. Dr. Ari Fahrial sham, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, digestive health experts from Cipto Mangunkusumo HOSPITAL, seasoning of instant noodles that do not ripen well can trigger stomach pain. Furthermore your own instant noodles made from wheat flour are added to the substances the developers. These materials are known to cause gas. Bumbunya it is also usually able to stimulate gastric irritation because there's spiciness, he said. 2. The former use water rebusanMenggunakan water decoction of scars or replace it with new water as the soup was indeed so the choice of each person. But the former water decoction of instant noodles is claimed to contain a lot of fat, so needs to be removed. That is certainly one way to eliminate the fat that is contained in the water boiled. Indeed rich is gone, but this return to the needs of individual, bright dr Nany Leksokumoro, MS, SpGK, from the Omni Hospital. Added nutritionist Astri Kurniati, ST, MAppSc of Nutrifood Research Centre, the water boiled noodles can be transformed into a murky because the process of making instant noodles are fried until dry (deep fried). This process makes it more durable. Braised continued water is turbid it because there is some fat or starch regardless. The name fried, saturated oils that attaches when we boil right coming out, urainya. But it means instant noodle soup is rich in saturated fat so it is not recommended to consume excessive. He also agreed if needed, water used for mi should be replaced.
Photo: iStock
3. Consumed berlebihanAda expert who says the good of instant noodles were consumed twice a week or once a month. Thus in fact how frequency ideal to eat instant noodles? I can't say how much is too much. But it should be preferred is the consumption of fresh foods, not processed foods because his name is also processed then there are chemicals that can be harmful to health, firm Prof Endang. This rule also applies to those who are fond of eating noodles Instant daily. It does not prohibit anyone eating instant noodles, as long as it is not consumed each day, bearing in mind the content of carbohydrates and fat. Dr Ari Fahrial sham, SpPD-KGEH, MMB added, consumption of instant noodles as good only done when an emergency only. Yes just in case only. If there is no other food that can be consumed I suppose be-okay, see-saw situation and condition, he said. Doctors who practise in the Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal MEDICINE-RSCM that adds as there are other foods it is recommended not to eat instant noodles. Read also: own risk, the risk of Consuming instant noodles Berlebihan4. Eaten when sahurMi is recommended for instant not selected when you dine Suhoor, because can trigger hunger quickly. Instant noodles contain a high Glycemic levels, even though we spend a lot of energy so hungering quickly, explains Dr. Prawita Sari Tirta, MSc. Dr. Nurul SpGK, Ratna SpGK, precious stones from the Cipto Mangunkusumo HOSPITAL adds, this is contrary to the rules menu Suhoor is good, where food has a complete nutrient content, i.e., consists of complex carbohydrates, protein and fibre. While the instant noodles he says it was just a simple carbohydrate. That is, the process of changing carbohydrates into glucose and then absorbed by the body only needs a minute. That is why if Suhoor with instant noodles then hunger will come more quickly than if the last meal with rice.
Photo: iStock
5. Use whole spices adaYang make instant noodles tasted delicious is the accompanying seasoning. However Astri once explained that reducing the use of seasoning on instant noodles can trim the amount of daily salt intake. In the seasoning of instant noodles or other instant food products, salt is commonly used as a flavor enhancer. It means that, when the whole herbs included in mi used fully, then the risk of health problems may appear. Dr. Hartono, Andry SpGK from RS to mess with The Yogyakarta also said, to reduce the adverse impact of eating instant noodles are not using oil which became part of the spices included in the instant noodles. If it can be bumbunya used half so that it is not too salty. Can also use homemade chicken broth as the base material the broth, says nutritionist Leona Victoria Djajadi, MND. 6. SayurKendati plus not generally unhealthy said instant noodles, instant noodles are still can be eaten in a healthy way. It could be by adding another source of nutrients or offer him appropriately. For the addition of nutrients, you can incorporate vegetables and eggs, each as a source of fiber and protein that is not owned by instant noodles. Vegetables to choose from among these carrots, collards, tomatoes and others. You can also add protein sources such as eggs, fish, meat, and tempe. But not advised his nutritional content of protein less like corned beef. The goal is to make not only the energy needs are being met, but rather the needs of protein, vitamins, fat, and fiber are also fulfilled, is clearly an expert on nutrition, Jansen Ongko, MSc, RD. Read also: the consumption of instant noodles is high, here's How the experts Membendungnya (lll/ajg) jual smart detox di jakarta selatan
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