Senin, 19 Februari 2018

Expert Advice To Cholesterol Does Not Increase When Eating Sate Goat

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Expert Advice To Cholesterol Does Not Increase When Eating Sate Goat


Jakarta, Nyam! Eid al Adha is always filled with meat dishes and all kinds of fat. For people who have high cholesterol, you should be vigilant and careful in regulating the health of the body. Qurban animal meat is usually processed into various types of food, one of them by means of disate. Well, the chairman of FOOD MENGIZI Prof. Dr. Hardinsyah, MS, share his tips in eating a safe satay.First of all, to be considered is the size of serving from per one skewer. Make sure that the consumption does not exceed the recommendation of eating meat that is 100 grams per hari.Baca also: Good Cholesterol Too High Can Also Trigger Risk of Death LhoKalo Eid al-Adha his cut meat gede-gede, diced yes, it's a stab can be up to 50 grams, said Professor of Nutritional Sciences Bogor Agricultural University (IPB).





In addition to taking into account the amount of satay consumed, he also recommends to choose the sate that is free from fat. Because, not the meat that can increase cholesterol quickly but it is from the fat.Kan kalo make sate is usually meat fats, it should be aja meat, appealed to graduate University of Queensland, Australia tersebut.Selain, Dr. Hardinsyah also reminded the need for balance diet by eating vegetables and fruits that are rich in fiber. Plus also the consumption of enough water. Congratulations to feast comfortable and healthy! Also read: Lebaran Arriving! Record First Doctor Message To Keep Cholesterol Awake (up / up)


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